Bognor Regis
01243 864 745
01243 77 33 11
01903 730 666

Funeral information for the late Karen Grant

Karen, passed away on Thursday 27th August 2020 aged 62.


Karen's had a private funeral.


Donations to in Karen's memory are now closed. Thank you to everyone who made a donation. Please contact us for any queries about donations.

Remembering Karen

A space to share your thoughts, memories, stories and photos of Karen, and see tributes from others they shared their life with.

Go to Karen’s online memorial page

Funeral number

If you need to contact us about Karen's funeral, please quote this number:
BA 199

Bereavement care and support

Whether you need emotional or practical support there is plenty of help out there. Explore our directory of services to find out what’s available.

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Contact us

We endeavour to respond to every email as soon as we can. You can call at any time of day or night. There will always be someone to take your call.